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How to Prepare for GD-PI & WAT For MBA Entrance Exams


GD PI WAT Preparation at FundaMakers

Well, the Exam season has started and you are now done with some MBA Entrance Exams like CAT 2021, IIFT 2022, and are left with some exams like XAT 2022, NMAT 2021, SNAP 2021, etc. To get into your dream B-School for pursuing MBA in India, the first step is to take the MBA Entrance Exam. After performing well and scoring great marks or percentile in the exams, the next step will be getting a Call for an Interview from the applied B- Schools.

The final admission is based on the combined merit score of your exam score and your performance in the GD-PI & WAT. Every MBA aspirant has a dream of pursuing an MBA from their dream B-School and thus understands the importance of performing exponentially well in the Group Discussion, Personal Interview, and Written Ability Test.

Many a student, in spite of performing well in Entrance Exams, are not able to get into their dream B-School because of their poor performance in the GD-PI WAT process. So, in order to get into such colleges, it is crucial to understand the pre-requisites of this process. FundaMakers The Best CAT Coaching in Lucknow and one of the pioneer Institutes for Online CAT Preparation in India has brought to you some insights that will help you in preparing for the GD-PI & WAT process in an easier and fruitful manner. Let us first understand what these processes mean.

What is WAT?

WAT or Written Ability Test is a process in which the candidate will be given 2-3 topics related to any niche be it Current Affairs or recent happening around the world or an abstract topic (like Orange is the new Black) and you are required to present your views on any one of your chosen topic. This process checks for activeness, presentation skills, and language skills.

What is Group Discussion?

As the name suggests, a GD or a group interview is the process in which 8-10 candidates will debate on the given topic and have to present their views on the topic. This process checks for communication skills, leadership qualities, etc. The key evaluation points include Group Dynamics, potential to examine conditions, thoughtful manner, Presentation style, and character: decision making and leadership qualities.

What is PI?

A personal interview is the last step where candidates will be judged on their GD & WAT performance. The candidate must have a clear knowledge about his/her educational background, achievements, strengths & weaknesses along with the goal clarity on how an MBA will help him/her achieve their goals.

The overall score in the above three processes will be the main factor in converting the call from that particular B-School. So, you are required to prepare well for these processes as well.

Now, we at FundaMakers CAT preparation Institute have brought in some pointers which will get you an idea on how you can prepare for these processes and how we will help you for the same.

Key Areas that need to be worked on…

Educational Background & Work Experience:

As we all know that candidates from different streams of graduation apply for MBA Entrance Exams, hence one must have complete knowledge about his/her educational background and how your educational qualification is in line with an MBA degree. Remember, after getting a call it is up to you whether you can convert that call or get rejected. Hence, make notes about some important questions like…

  • Why MBA after your UG degree?
  • Your Favourite Subject
  • Why are you switching to a different field of expertise?
  • Questions related to your Work Experience.

Goal Clarity

Questions regarding your Future Goals will be asked to check the mindset of the candidate. Like

  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  • Your Long Term & Short Term Goals.

Make sure you have proper justifications with backed answers regarding your future goals.

Current Affairs & World News

This is an abstract questionnaire where the panel can ask anything related to the current happening around the world in order to check the responsiveness and critical thinking of the candidate. One might not know all the answers but how you handle that situation is the key factor in getting a good score.

Personal Information

Do you know yourself? Well, your interviewer might want to know about you and what you and your peers think about you. Questions related to strengths and weaknesses, hobbies, co-curricular activities were asked during the interview. So make sure you have thoroughly assessed yourself.

Generally asked questions are:

  • Tell me something about yourself
  • Your Hobbies
  • How do your friends describe you?
  • How your Family describes you?

About FundaMakers GD-PI & WAT Preparation Course

The GD-PI & WAT Preparation Course at FundaMakers CAT Prep Institute will help you in streamlining all the above-mentioned points and will help you in improving your presentation skills as well.

With over 40+ Personality Development Sessions containing information about the Current Affairs, latest and hot topics for WAT & GD, you will be equipped with every information that will help you in cracking this process with confidence. Make sure you have prepared the above-mentioned points and leave the presentation part to us. Our Course will definitely enhance your skills.

GD-PI & WAT Preparation at FundaMakers includes:

  • Specific B-School GD-PI & WAT Preparation Guidance
  • 40+ PDP Sessions
  • IIM & Non-IIM Interview Guidance
  • Latest News & Topics Discussion Sessions
  • CV or Resume improvement
  • Group Discussion Sessions
  • B-School Counselling.
  • Personal Mentorship every Sunday.
  • Monthly GK Magazine.
  • and much more…

Important insights on MBA Courses like HR, Finance, Marketing, Operations, etc.

These sessions are provided both Online via the Highly interactive portal and Offline at any of our CAT Preparation Centres in Lucknow. For more details call us at 9598333344.

The Course Price is Rs 2000 (which is quite less as compared to any other CAT Prep Institute).

Check out the GD-PI WAT Preparation Course here:


CAT 23 GDPI- wat prep

  • PI & WAT Sessions with Industry Experts
  • 40+ PI & WAT Sessions
  • Curriculum Vitae / Resume buidling Guidance
  • IIMs & Non-IIMs Interview Guidance
  • Monthly GK Magazine
  • Concepts & eBooks
  • 24×7 doubt clarification
  • Personal Mentorship via google meet to every student on Sundays.
  • B-School Counselling
  • Validity : 31st March 2024

₹2000 + GST





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