There are many coaching institutes in Lucknow. But, what makes FundaMakers the best CAT coaching in Lucknow. FundaMakers had a very modest beginning in the year 2017 with just 67 students in the first batch. The institute has grown leaps and bounds ever since by giving exceptional results in MBA entrance exams like CAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP , NMAT etc . In fact, in the very first year, FundaMakers had around 17 students in IIMs and 24 other students in the other top B Schools in the country. Let us dive deeper into the reasons why FundaMakers is the best CAT coaching in Lucknow.
Best Study Material for CAT at FundaMakers
FundaMakers boasts of the best study material for CAT. Curated over the years, every question is tailored to give deep logical understanding of concepts. The complete study material can be divided in two parts:
1. Online Study material for CAT
2. Offline Study material for CAT
Online Study Material for CAT
FundaMakers has one of the best online student portal for CAT preparation. It is a one stop solution for downloadable handouts for questions and study material, online tests, eBooks for leisure reading, pre recorded video lectures, online class lectures, profile assessment for b school calls.
The following are the details of the online portal for CAT aspirants:
1. 225 Topic Tests with video solutions
2. 60 Sectional Tests
3. 25 Full Length Tests
4. 20 All India Mock Tests with analysis and video solutions.
5. 60 Daily Tests from September to November.
6. 30+ OMET Tests ie. XAT, IIFT, NMAT, CMAT, TISSNET, SNAP etc.
7. 300+ Recorded Video Lectures for easy revision. (every class is recorded in offline mode)
8. Studio based live classes. (Full HD broadcasting on Google Meet for better two way communication)
9. Downloadable class handouts for every online live lecture.
10. CAT Question Bank containing around 4000+ CAT past year questions arranged topic wise.
Offline Study Material for CAT
FundaMakers also provides the most comprehensive printed study material for CAT. The set of 9 books contain around 6000+ questions. The set of books comprises of 1 Arithmetic book, 1 Geometry and Number System, 1 Algebra and Modern Maths book, 2 Data Interpretation books, 1 Logical Reasoning Book, 1 Reading comprehension book, 1 Verbal Ability book and 1 Grammar book.
Moreover, every class handout contains an average of 100 questions.
Best faculty for CAT preparation at FundaMakers
FundaMakers has a well trained faculty pool for CAT aspirants. The team is led by Surya Pratap Singh who has an extensive experience of around 12 years in CAT training. FundaMakers has a team of 8 teachers with an average teaching experience of 7 years. The teachers are always ready to take up the doubts of the students on telegram group. Also, there are regular doubt sessions at the centers as well.
Sample videos of teachers at FundaMakers
CAT Results at FundaMakers

FundaMakers has the best selection ratio amongst all coaching institutes in lucknow. Unlike other coaching institutes, FundaMakers doesnot believe in fake results. All the results are genuine. Check FundaMakers results here .
MBA College Predictor | CAT Call Predictor | FundaMakers Profile Professor
FundaMakers has profile professor which is an AI tool to predict MBA colleges call as per the student’s profile and percentile. it is a unique feature and is amongst the best IIM call predictor in India. Check FundaMakers Profile Professor here.
Fees @ FundaMakers CAT preparation
FundaMakers gives the best training for CAT at very affordable cost. Our Online and Offline CAT preparation programs are very cost effective. Students also have the option. Students can also take a test and earn huge scholarship for themselves. Call 9598333344 for more details. Take a look of the course fees and programs here.