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Shortcuts for Scoring 99 Percentile in DI-LR : CAT 2024


Achieving a 99 percentile in the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DI LR) section of the CAT 2024 exam is a formidable yet attainable goal that demands a strategic approach and smart shortcuts. For students aiming to secure a top percentile, merely practicing numerous questions won’t suffice; understanding and implementing effective strategies is crucial. This blog is designed to equip you with the essential techniques and shortcuts that can significantly enhance your performance. By delving into these proven methods, you’ll not only boost your speed and accuracy but also gain the confidence needed to tackle the most challenging problems efficiently. Reading and mastering these strategies is not just beneficial but imperative for anyone serious about excelling in the DI LR section and achieving their dream percentile.

DI-LR Syllabus: CAT 2024

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The important topics have been highlighted with color yellow.

Daily- Number of Sets

January-March: 3-5 sets per day

March-July: 5-7 sets per day

July-November: Do as many sets you can.

Know Which Question is Doable

Generally in competitive exam like CAT only 58% questions in DI-LR section is doable. Rest are a carrier pf negative marking. Therefore, to attain 99 percentile in DI-LR section first you need to acknowledge which questions to evaluate and which questions to attempt.

The fact is even if you attempt 41% of questions correct you’ll be in the safe zone. So, knowing the type of questions to leave is a very important habit for scoring 99 percentile in DI-LR.

Not all Questions are Solvable

There are few questions which are really very tough; you don’t have to be stressed about the later but learn from it. These kinds of questions are a perfect example of which one to leave in you exam.

Don’t skip any topic

If you think doing just one either DI or LR would help, frankly speaking it won’t! In past few years of CAT exam both the sections come in combined form. The questions of DI-LR come in a mixture form. Thus, never think of skipping any topics.

Force your mind to think logically

Thinking logically is crucial in the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DI-LR) section of the CAT exam because it enables candidates to break down complex problems into manageable parts and derive accurate conclusions efficiently. Logical thinking aids in recognizing patterns, making connections, and applying systematic approaches to solve problems related to probability, averages, permutations, and combinations. These topics often involve intricate calculations and multiple steps where logical reasoning helps in minimizing errors and optimizing time management. For instance, in probability, understanding the logical relationship between different events can simplify the computation of outcomes.

Similarly, logical reasoning in averages helps in quickly identifying central tendencies and deviations. In permutations and combinations, a logical approach is essential to correctly apply counting principles and avoid overcounting or undercounting scenarios. Overall, logical thinking enhances problem-solving skills, leading to more accurate and faster solutions in the high-pressure environment of the CAT exam.

Short cuts in DI-LR

  1. Learn to make diagrams

Learning to make diagrams in the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DI LR) section is crucial for efficiently solving various types of questions. Diagrams help visualize complex data and relationships, making it easier to identify patterns and draw logical conclusions. Knowing what figures to write and where to place them can significantly enhance clarity and speed, reducing the cognitive load during problem-solving. For example, Venn diagrams are essential for set-based questions, bar graphs and pie charts for statistical data, and flowcharts for sequence-based problems. Correct placement of figures ensures that critical information is easily accessible, minimizing errors and aiding in quick verification of results. Mastery of diagrammatic representation thus becomes a powerful tool in accurately and swiftly tackling DI LR challenges.

2. Recognize the starting Point

Knowing from which point to begin solving the question is a very important step. You first need to analyze from which point to start solving the question by reading the question.

3. Use of constraints

Understand the fact that every sentence given in the question has some meaning. Every line builds up or shapes the solution to the question given. Therefore, try to think in this manner where you first construct the solution in your mind step-wise with the help of every line.

4. Understand the Game of Possibilities

Every question give in the reasoning section has numerous possibilities to be solved, think of the condition containing most limited possibility. As the lesser possibility it possess, the more chances of getting the correct answer it has.

5. Intensive Calculation Sets

The more intensive calculation a set contains, the easier it is to understand it. Most of the times you think the longer questions having intensive calculation must be difficult but in reality it is just the opposite. Mostly the compact questions are harder to solve and the lengthy ones are easy.

6. Easy questions of Difficult Sets

You need to spot the easy questions of the difficult sets. Not the whole set is non-solvable. Few points are free gifts mostly.

7. Don’t set the time limit

In DI-LR you should avoid setting the time-limit. Take as much time as you require for solving the sets, as it would improve your ability of thinking and reasoning power. DI-LR requires time and logical thinking, it is not same as Quants section of your exam. It needs time and habit of thinking logically and in depth.

8. Enroll yourself in a good coaching institute

Good coaching is essential for CAT preparations as it provides structured guidance, personalized feedback, and strategic insights that self-study often lacks. Expert coaches help streamline the vast syllabus, ensuring focused and efficient study plans tailored to individual strengths and weaknesses. They offer targeted practice through mock tests and simulated exams, familiarizing students with the CAT’s format and time constraints, which enhances performance under pressure. Additionally, coaching institutes create a competitive environment that fosters motivation and discipline, essential for maintaining consistency. Access to experienced mentors who can clarify doubts and provide moral support significantly boosts confidence, ultimately leading to improved scores and better chances of securing admission into top business schools.

FundaMakers provides an excellent guidance to the CAT Aspirants. We have out of the box features and an excellent faculty that guides students towards their dream B-schools.

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